"God could never use me". This is the life -destroying lie I will share my thoughts and studies on today.
I pray that the Lord will lead my studies and thoughts to express only what is needed and and right. I pray that I will learn and grow strong for the good of Christ. I wish that the short study notes and simple out line of scripture I discover in my personal study, will relate to someone or give others thoughts and hope. To our God be the Glory.
"God could never use me." This is an easy way to give up. Satan loves to tell you this so that you will. Remember that he comes to Kill, Steal, and Destroy. God is always ready to forgive. It doesn't matter how bad your life has been-if you give the failures to God, He will use you in a new way. (John 10:9)
Many people throughout life make terrible mistakes. I know I have. There was a time I felt as low as I could be. I thought things were never going to get better. I just slummed through life every day the same thing. Though I had been saved as a teenager, I wasn't living for Christ exactly as I should have been.
Ten years ago, I was hardcore Marine Corps. Doing my own thing, burning the candle at both ends. Being "Cool".There is no need for the details, I'll just say - I wasn't living right in the eye of the Lord. I knew God, but sinned a lot with no remorse. I let Satan tell me for years, this same lie "I was no good for God". That is what kept me from the church, even though what I needed was this body of believers to help strengthen me, help guide me and keep me held accountable.
One day I was caught in a moment of truth, life and death, I found myself begging the Lord to deliver me from the worst. I can't say that I heard an audible reply from God. However, I can say that I survived a horrible automobile accident. Praise the Lord.
Since then I have developed a deeper trust in God. I rededicated my life to God. I encouraged my family to follow me to church. My son has found salvation in Jesus. I helped lead my wife to salvation as well. As for my 2 1/2 year old goes, she'll be brought up the church.
As I approach 1 year since the life changing car accident. I am amazed with the things the Lord is doing in my life. Looking back at the last three years, I would have never guessed what the Lord had in store for me. I still don't know what lies ahead. I have FAITH that our God will provide. I guess the biggest thing in life to remember is: we have to totally submit our lives to Christ and live for him, once we have found salvation in Jesus Christ our sins are washed away by his blood.
No matter how bad you think you've been, how much you've sinned. YOU CAN STILL HAVE A SAVING RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST! Just don't wait till it is too late. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
God forgives us for our sins. He redeems our lives from destruction. When things seem like they are going south, remember that we are like a fruit tree. John 15:2 says "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.