Friday, December 4, 2009

Life Destroying Lies that keep us from knowing God's Will. Part 2. "God can never use me."

"God could never use me". This is the life -destroying lie I will share my thoughts and studies on today.

I pray that the Lord will lead my studies and thoughts to express only what is needed and and right. I pray that I will learn and grow strong for the good of Christ. I wish that the short study notes and simple out line of scripture I discover in my personal study, will relate to someone or give others thoughts and hope. To our God be the Glory.

"God could never use me." This is an easy way to give up. Satan loves to tell you this so that you will. Remember that he comes to Kill, Steal, and Destroy. God is always ready to forgive. It doesn't matter how bad your life has been-if you give the failures to God, He will use you in a new way. (John 10:9)

Many people throughout life make terrible mistakes. I know I have. There was a time I felt as low as I could be. I thought things were never going to get better. I just slummed through life every day the same thing. Though I had been saved as a teenager, I wasn't living for Christ exactly as I should have been.
Ten years ago, I was hardcore Marine Corps. Doing my own thing, burning the candle at both ends. Being "Cool".There is no need for the details, I'll just say - I wasn't living right in the eye of the Lord. I knew God, but sinned a lot with no remorse. I let Satan tell me for years, this same lie "I was no good for God". That is what kept me from the church, even though what I needed was this body of believers to help strengthen me, help guide me and keep me held accountable.

One day I was caught in a moment of truth, life and death, I found myself begging the Lord to deliver me from the worst. I can't say that I heard an audible reply from God. However, I can say that I survived a horrible automobile accident. Praise the Lord.

Since then I have developed a deeper trust in God. I rededicated my life to God. I encouraged my family to follow me to church. My son has found salvation in Jesus. I helped lead my wife to salvation as well. As for my 2 1/2 year old goes, she'll be brought up the church.
As I approach 1 year since the life changing car accident. I am amazed with the things the Lord is doing in my life. Looking back at the last three years, I would have never guessed what the Lord had in store for me. I still don't know what lies ahead. I have FAITH that our God will provide. I guess the biggest thing in life to remember is: we have to totally submit our lives to Christ and live for him, once we have found salvation in Jesus Christ our sins are washed away by his blood.
No matter how bad you think you've been, how much you've sinned. YOU CAN STILL HAVE A SAVING RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST! Just don't wait till it is too late. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

God forgives us for our sins. He redeems our lives from destruction. When things seem like they are going south, remember that we are like a fruit tree. John 15:2 says "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Life Destrying Lies that keep us from knowing God's Will. Part 1."God is Punishing me."

Life destroying lies that keep man from knowing God's will.

Part 1

"God is Punishing me"

I am beginning this study with plan's to share the biblical facts, common misconceptions in society , and my opinions. I pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance and ability to discover much from God's Word. I pray for the Glory to God I am able to pass the truth on to someone who needs to know it.

I first thought about this study after seeing a tract about reasons people feel that God doesn't want them. Currently I have some down time, having recently had surgery on my mouth. I am able to devote this extra time to this study.

Most of us have heard the excuses before; "God is punishing me", "God can never use me. I don't qualify", "God is fed up with me", or "I'll never be happy".

Today I am looking at the lie "God is punishing me". That very phrase makes me laugh, also it upsets me. People today are whinny. Looking for a reason to distance themselves from Christ so that they may be on their own program. How dare you blame My God for something, so that you can excuse yourself from free worship.

I believe that our misfortunes are not punishments of God for sin. They are blessings of God in disguise for our good in some way. I studied the story of Job. Job, by today's' standards suffered a lot. He lost his family and all his worldly possessions. What good could come from this? How would the average person of society today react in Job's Position? God used Job's misfortunes for Job's own good.

Romans 8:28 says "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose"

In John 9:1-7 Jesus explains to His disciples that the blind man's condition, being blinded from birth, was not a result of sin. This was so the works of God might be displayed in him.

Bottom Line. Everyone suffers sometimes. It's not all about you. God lets us suffer to make us more mature. As I close on this topic for tonight read the following passage(s)

Hebrew 5:7-9

7 In the days of His flesh, He offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His piety. 8 Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. 9 And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation,

Jesus suffered the most. We should always love and thank Him for it.

to be continued.....................

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hometown Hero

As the young man's father read the morning paper with a doleful expression upon his face, he suddenly has a proud look upon his face. He had found what he was searching for..... A story written about his son. The story as published below:

The Sheriff's department responds to a burglary in process at a home last night.
Upon arrival, Officer Mike Jones - 31, a five year veteran of the Sheriff's Department quickly secures the scene and enters the home. After a few minutes Officer Jones was able to bring two small children and a teenager to safety outside the home.
The fathers face shows satisfaction yet, sorrow. Little Mikey all grown up. He had always wanted to become a police officer. This was his dream. Making a difference in the community. Mr. Jones continued to read....

Officer Jones then reenterd the home to search for the armed assailant. Officer Jones was able to find the man hiding in a closet in an upstairs bathroom. There was a brief struggle as the man possessed a handgun which was discharged during the struggle. Officer Jones was able to step back, fire a shot and call for assistance. Officer Jones was then able to subdue the wounded aggressor. Minutes later, additional sherrif's deputys arrived and removed the burgular from the home. Officer Jones attended to the children outside.
The more he read the prouder he was of his son, he was a hero. He saved three children, diffused a dangerous situation and took another bad guy off the streets. The officers father couldn't hold back the tears as he finnished reading about his son's heroic actions the night before............
Officer Mike Jones who suffered a gun shot wound to the abdomen died last night in the critical care unit at General Hospital.
He is survived by his wife: Janet, his son Micheal- 9, and his daugter Brianna- 2.
Memorial Services will be held tommarow at the family's cemetary.
The Sherrif's department will be honoring Officer Jones for his dedication to the community. Officer Jones will receive the Departments highest award; The Medal of Valor.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Green Beans. (A short story I wrote a few years ago)

Green Beans.
By Ken Mckuhen

The mother shouted for her young son. It was time to come to the dinner table. Mikey, the supercharged eleven year old comes to a screeching halt on his second-hand scooter near the kitchen table. “Hey mom, what’s for dinner?” The mother replies, “Chopped steak and mashed potatoes.” Mikey gets up from the table and walks to the stove. “No green beans mom?” the curious boy asks. His mother realizes that she forgot her only sons favorite dish. Green Beans. She quickly grabs a can from the cupboard and heats its’ contents.

Months go by as do many cans of green beans when Mikey comes home one day to ask his mother a question. “Mom, today at school teacher told all the students in my class that she was collecting canned goods for needy families, can I do it?” The mother nodded in approval and asked the boy what he wanted to donate. “I want to donate a can of my green beans so that someone can have them with Thanksgiving dinner!” The mother hands Mikey a can as he shuffles through a drawer and digs out a magic marker. “Mom, I am going put my name on the bottom so that someone will know I care!” The mother just smiles.

Days later the single mother and her young son are in town, making their selections, picking out everything they need for the Thanksgiving dinner to come. “Oh mom, don’t forget to get green beans, remember I donated my last can!” The mother acknowledged him as she scanned across different items. Once she saw cans of green beans she picked a can up. As she placed it into her basket, she could not hold back a tear when she noticed the bottom of the can said - “Mikey”

A Christmas Story I started a few years ago, I need to complete

As I stood there in my kitchen, gazing at the frosted landscape through a slightly frozen window. I wondered what sort of Christmas Cheer fate had prepared for me. It was a new day, it was a day to celebrate, it was Christmas morning.

I took a minute to ponder as the local news channel played in the background. I thought about the meaning of Christmas from my perspective.

Then, I thought of the American troops serving our country overseas. The men and women who will miss a day of family gatherings, home cooked meals, presents, relaxation, and love.

In a split second, I began to question myself about the families affected by Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama. How could they find the joy to celebrate this cool winter day. How? One of the cities I visited shortly after the storm, was brimming with destruction and mourning. I felt the pain and grief forced upon the local residents. A life altering event that would change some peoples lives forever. A storm that brought memories of total devastation to every life in its path.

What about those who never had anything to begin with? What significance would a day, reminiscent of this be to the average man or woman sleeping in an alley, city park, or bus station? How do they find any happiness in life, while dealing with the uncertainty of days to come. Where will I sleep tonight, will I be hungry, or will I be cold?

I could not forget the single parents struggling to provide for themselves and their children. What does a mother tell a child when Santa does not come as society prefabricates? How will a well behaved child respond to the emptiness found under the tree again this year. “If you are a good boy, Santa will bring you lots of toys this year.” Echoes in the child’s mind. A day of expectations, so highly anticipated, seems now as if there was no meaning.

To be continued………….

Old Friends

This is my first entry, so pardon me if it seems to run about with no apparent format or style.
For the past few days, I've been thinking about friends from my past. Wondering where they all are today. What are they doing? Are they alive and well? Do they have a relationship with God?
Since I joined the Marine Corps at an early age, I left home and many people behind. Then after the Marines, I've been from Miami to Detroit and Atlanta to San Antonio. I've live in alot of places. (My credit sheet with equifax shows 24 addresses since 1997).
Said that to say this, I've met alot of people all over. Most of my close friends from my childhood are easily reachable, but do I want to reach them....? Not really, ok maybe one or two.
My brothers from the Marine Corps are all spread out everywhere, I've have not been able to reach any.
From the period where I was married to my first wife, I had several good friends. However she turned most of them in to Benedict Arnold. So be it.
I was single then for about three years. I made many new friends. However, I was separated from God and they were too. I had very close relationships with most of them. Guys who would drop everything for you at a moments notice a come to your aid.
These are the ones I wonder about. I wonder if I could impact their life now as a born again Christian. Would they reject me and my God.
I have been able to keep in contact with about three of about fifty. When Marianne and I moved to New Orleans in 2005, most all of them forgot about us.
Of the three that we still communicate with, all resist any talks about God. So I spent sometime looking online at,, and other social networking sites to locate old acquaintances..... then I realized something.
I realized that its me, I am the one that doesn't want a relationship with them. Is it wrong to wanna forget the past, REPENT and move on. Now that I've cut the ties to my past. I have found a few new friends that share my same beliefs. For me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
You see, while I was on myspace, I found that a few of my old buddies had tried to contact me. All attempts were futile. The last time I had logged on to myspace was before I rededicated my life to Christ and began the journey towards strengthening my faith. Sadly, one message was from an old friend who took his own life a few months ago.
Though I've tried, many of my closest old friends always resist my attempts share the gospel and to lead them towards salvation. I guess I can't beat them with my bible.
So, it's hard when you first cut the ties. Especially if there is a period when you don't have any adult friends. As a man who once had plenty of friends, it's a humbling transition. In reality though, what have I lost?
Now that I have my wife, a two year old and a nine year old. It's clear to me, they're what matters most. So I guess in a way, it's OK.
We have a few new friendships we've established through the church and hopefully they'll become lasting ones. Though as a young married couple we desire more. God willing, in time, we'll become closer to more of the body of believers we worship with.
I don't know if any of this makes sense, but I did to me when I was writing it. What's the point of this blog you may ask? I don't know. If I had to guess, I'd say maybe it is that sometimes you need to Count your losses, forget the past, Repent, then move on and pray for God to send you what you need. In this case I am thinking it's new friends.