Thursday, June 30, 2011

Scary but Exciting Ideas starting to come together!

Lets just say "whew".....

I have started to put into action, the next phase in my life....

Only my closest friends know about it. If you do not, no offense. This is something I am keeping real close to the vest until the time is right.

If you DO know, I am trusting you'll keep it between us.....

This is exciting and a little nerve racking, all at the same time....

Check back soon.......

God Bless,


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

There's one guy in every family that can change everything. DAD! PART ONE

Please Read in The Old Testament - Numbers 25:1-3

1-While Israel remained at Shittim, the people began to play the harlot with the daughters of Moab.
2-For they invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods.
3-So Israel joined themselves to Baal of Peor, and the LORD was angry against Israel.

Do any of you guys remember a movie called "When a stranger calls". Basically the entire movie, leading up to the twist, a "stranger", a "bad guy" calls on the phone several times say only....."HAVE YOU CHECKED THE CHILDREN?" Near the end, you find out that he is actually IN the house. If you've seen it, you'll remember the line.... "HE's in THE HOUSE!!! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!

The point is, he was never outside. He was in the house the whole time.

In chapters before, We learn that the sons of Israel were closing in on Moab. Up to this point they have torn through all that got in their way. The King of Moab, Balak was really worried about what lied ahead for the land of Moab. So he hires the prophet Balaam to curse the sons of Israel for they were too powerful for the people of Moab.

Thing is, God wouldn't curse them. Balaam's task was never completed. Unfortunately, the Enemy was not Balaam. The enemy was IN the camp of Israel the WHOLE TIME.

The Men.

I believe that is a truth in the church today. The greatest threat to the purity and to the effectiveness of the church is not what's going on outside. It's not Darwin's Theory, Charles Manson, or even Marilyn Manson. It's what goes on in our own hearts.

If you're looking for the enemy in your house, if your looking for the greatest threat in your life, it's not a guy in a red cape. Look in the mirror. It's us. The choices we make and our propensity to sin. That's what we'll see in this chapter.


I think the greatest danger in the church today are the men. I am sure women have their own way causing harm in a fellowship, but men not only have the power to cause harm in a fellowship, but also a family.

Of the different sins, I think men in most cases, not all, but most are more prone to compromise and commit sin in the area of sexual temptation.

Here are a few of the temptations talked about in the book of 1st John.

2:16 - For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.

Lust of the Flesh, Lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life.

In the world of theater there is a term known as a "triple threat". A person who can sing, act and dance is known as a triple threat. In the realm of sin, sexual can be also be known as a triple threat. Sexual sin combines all three sins of the world. Lust of the flesh, Lust of the eyes, and Boastful pride of life.

Lust of the Flesh - Because as humans, our fleshly bodies are designed to eat, drink, sleep and yes, have sexual contact. Sexual relationships.

Lust of the Eyes - Especially for guys. Most times guys do not look at their partner and think - "She makes me feel safe". It's more like - "She's Hot!" A lot of it is looks. We're visual creatures. That is how God wired us.

Then there is,

The Boastful Pride of Life - "You think I'm Strong?".... "Really" "You think I'm smart?" It is the whole idea of cha cha cha...."She"

So there you have it. Flesh, Eyes, Pride. Triple Threat. It nails guys left and right and is a huge problem with in our society today even in the church.

Sexual sin is the number one thing that drag men down, destroys families and causes compromise in a man's heart.

One of the problems with this type of sin is, it's not ugly. You can look at a alcoholic and see that's not what you want to be. You can look at a drug addict with sickly bodies and teeth falling out and see that it's no good. You can see the ugliness in those things. Sexual sin doesn't look like that though.

I've been trying to teach my children, especially my son that sin is attractive. Just because something is fun and exciting, doesn't mean that it couldn't possibly be a sin. There are many things in our world today that are smoke screen tactics. We must be able to determine, through the word of God, what is and what isn't sin.

Sin often times looks great. Reading through these few chapters in the book of Numbers, you'll see the Midianite women bring the men of Israel down to the groves where they people of Moab worship little G gods. No doubt there was food, fun, ladies, and music. I am sure it was a real party.

We got to understand the enemy wants to destroy our lives, our witness, our credibility, and our families. He's not going to send a guy with a red suit and pitch fork to say "Hey, would you like to trade it all in?"

Doesn't work like that. It comes in very fun, very attractive ways. That's what happened to the children of Israel.

So. Israel joined, through the Midianite women, with Baal of Peor. Baal means lord. The lord of Peor. He was known to be a fertility god that they worshiped. As soon as the men joined with him, bowed down and worship. The anger of our Lord, our God was upon them.

Remember that Balaam was hired to curse the children of Israel but he couldn't. All he could do was bless them. That's it, we don't hear anything else of him.

What we do know is, in the book of Revelation (2:14), we're told that the whole idea of sending the Midianite women into Israels camp to stumble the men, came from Balaam. Jesus also taught people that Balaam suggest and came up with the plan to send the women saying. "You can't curse them, you do not have the power." "Satan is not going to curse them, but you can get God to deal with them if you can corrupt them. If you can get them to compromise and sin."

The problem lies in the choices people make. People make a choice to sin. Just like these people, Satan couldn't curse them. God looked at them and said, "I see no wickedness in Jacob." But what Satan couldn't do, the people did in a second by their own choice and compromise.

Now, Baal was a Canaanite fertility god. As time goes on he is a constant enticement to the people. They never really stop worshiping him until they are taken into Babylon.

In today's time, What would we call equivalent to the worship of Baal? Hollywood? Maybe. It is the worship of abundance. The whole reason they worshiped the fertility god through sex was to bring about prosperity. In those days better crops meant better money. Prosperity.

What they worshiped with and what they struggled with Sex and Success. What are we worshiping in America? I believe it's the same thing.

In Moab, the children of Israel gave in, and God was angry.



NASB Bible

Numbers 22, 23, 24, and 25
1st John Chp. 2
Revelation Chp. 2
Blue Letter
Pastor Jim Morgan study

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Starting a new

Alot has changed since my last posting.....

I have recently took a new job working very close to home, within five minutes. This is an ultimate leap of faith. I have wanted in my heart, this job or something similar for a long time. I always had a reason not to pursue it. Though I don't want to admit it, I'll say I haven't fully trusted that God would provide for my family and I, all of our needs.

Actually, I am starting my third full week tomorrow. When asked "How do you like your new job?" - My common answer is: "I am happy. I have faith God will see that his children are provided for."

You see, I committed what some would call career suicide. I was working for a decent company. Making outrageous money. Received a lot of work related training and experience. I was going places. Although, I was away from home A LOT. Even when I was working in town, I was commuting at least two hours round trip daily. Grant it, where I chose to live is my deal. But, here it is, six years after moving to our community, we've planted roots.

Ultimately, I have a lot more time for the things that matter most in my life. GOD, Wife, and Kids. You can see, my job isn't even in the top three!

I am excited that I am gonna be able to commit more of myself to whats important. I have decided to kick up my biblical studies a notch. I plan on blogging my thoughts on each study.

See you soon. God Bless.
