Saturday, May 29, 2010

"I'll be praying for you"

I have been thinking about prayer more and more the past few weeks. There have been several instances where the topic of prayer has arisen lately. I wonder if God has been speaking to me about this important issue.

The word Prayer appears 112 times in 104 verses of the bible. The most popular prayer that most have heard is known as The Lord's Prayer located in the book of Mathew Chapter 6:9-13. This is the example that Jesus gave to his disciples in regards to prayer. In today's society everyone seems to know the basic idea behind prayer. It is you asking God for something you need. In most cases I feel it is something we want.

Have you ever had some one say - "I am praying for you"? We all have. What bothers me the most are the times where someone says it, and you know its not true. Sadly, I feel that, "I'll be praying for you" has been reduced to a modern day catch phrase.

Here is an example I have seen. A man claimed he was praying for a friend in regards to personal issues. Yet the man offering the prayer clearly lives a lifestyle contradictory to that of Christianity (or any anther religion for that matter.) I question if the man really prayed? Or was it just the right thing to say to someone in need? All of life's answers can be found in the bible. It is the unfailing word of God. I'll look to the scriptures for answers to the question - Did the man really pray for his friend?

Now its hard to tell whether or not anyone does anything when they are alone or in private. Here's something to think about. James Whitcomb Riley coined the term - "when I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck." When someone routinely practices, without remorse or guilt, the deed of the flesh found in Galatians 5:19 - immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealously, out burst of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing and things like these, it may be safe to say they aren't praying regularly. Although it is likely that a man who attends church, lives a life with morals and values, and is respectable, would in fact pray when he says he will.

What if the man DID pray? Lets see what scripture says about that. I traditionally will not use "Proof Text" to drive home a point. However, in this study, it is clear to see that God does not hear the words or prayers of those who do not turn from sinful ways. Check out these verses:

Proverbs 15:29 says - The LORD is far from the wicked, But He hears the prayer of the righteous.
Proverb 28:9 is similar - He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, Even his prayer is an abomination.
Isaiah 1:15 - "So when you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; Yes, even though you multiply prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are covered with blood.

In conclusion, I don't feel that the man actually prayed for his friend. It is was a nice thing to tell his friend though. I am sure he meant well. Ultimately God's will is in everything we do and don't do. I know that everything worked out well in this scenario though.

We must commit ourselves as Christ followers to time of prayer. We need to follow the guideline Jesus gave to us. A good practice to maintain is as follows:

You need to find a quite time and place. Some place where you can be alone to meditate.

Start off you prayer time by giving praise to God for all of the good things that he has done. Praise him for who he is, for his gift on the cross, for the things that he is doing and has done in your life.

Next it is important to repent and surrender. We are all human we make mistakes and fall short of the glory of God. By admitting our mistakes and asking for forgiveness we put ourselves back into a right relationship with God. We then surrender our lives to God so that he has the ability to most us into righteous and godly people.

Always ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit during prayer time. After Jesus left this earth he promised us his Holy Spirit to help us in our Christian walk. It is important for us to ask for the Holy Spirit to continue to work in our lives.

Read the Bible. The Holy Scripture is the primary way that God communicated to us. Spend a few minutes each prayer time reading scripture and let God speak to you through his word.

Listen. God does speak to us. Spend some time in quiet and listen for the voice of God. Reflect on what he was saying to you in scripture. If you are not sure how to tell when God is speaking than ask God to show you. He will speak! It may take some time, maybe more than a few minutes or more than a day but if you ask God will make his voice clear to you.

Intercede for others. This is the time to pray for your needs and the needs of others in the community. Pray for healing, for God to touch a situation or for a person in need and for the needs of the day. Make sure to remember to pray that God would be with you through the day and that he would protect you from temptation and the "flaming arrows of the evil one". It is a good idea to end with the "Our Father".

I hope you enjoyed reading this. This was a topic that has been on my mind and the blog is a good way to share it. Most of the information I took from the bible and personal experience. So items items I got from and

Thanks !